" For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away ": 1 Peter 1:24.
God gives Man the power to get wealth Psalms 62 :11; and "good success". Joshua 1:8.
People could be proud of their good fortune, educational and career success, of their exceptionally good looks, well-to-do families and friends and proud of a host of other blessings; which the human beings would desire to possess.
Taking pride in one's appearance and taking pride in one's duties and responsibilities are the qualities of emotionally sound persons.
Pride in oneself is positive assertion. This is Pride as in refusing to accept fear , intimidation, defeat and failure. Positive self-pride is rejecting rudeness , aggression , disrespect, cheating , "put-downs", evil influences and manipulations from any body.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away ": 1 Peter 1:24.
God gives Man the power to get wealth Psalms 62 :11; and "good success". Joshua 1:8.
"Success" means prosperity , victory , triumph, achievement, fame , and eminence .
It is the will of God that men should succeed and prosper by righteous means, in all their undertakings on earth .
It is the will of God that men should succeed and prosper by righteous means, in all their undertakings on earth .
Pride is self- esteem, self-worth or ego , self-respect ; it is the pleasure and satisfaction derived from personal qualities , achievements or possessions.
Taking pride in one's appearance and taking pride in one's duties and responsibilities are the qualities of emotionally sound persons.
Pride in oneself is positive assertion. This is Pride as in refusing to accept fear , intimidation, defeat and failure. Positive self-pride is rejecting rudeness , aggression , disrespect, cheating , "put-downs", evil influences and manipulations from any body.
It is proper to exhibit self-esteem or self-pride when presenting one's achievements and assets , when necessary; like during job interviews.
If you've got it, flaunt it. Sometimes , if you do not blow your own trumpet , nobody would blow it for you..
If you've got it, flaunt it. Sometimes , if you do not blow your own trumpet , nobody would blow it for you..
The other side of the coin are the unpleasant forms of pride which are egotism , self-conceit , arrogance, vanity , obstinacy , big-headedness ; to mention just a few .
Human beings could forget that it is God who exalts and upholds a man and that God rules and reigns in the affairs of men.
There are persons who do not have anything worthwhile to show for their arrogance , but they derive satisfaction from their own delusions.
Human beings could forget that it is God who exalts and upholds a man and that God rules and reigns in the affairs of men.
When a person 's mind is full of pride, he would give the credit for his success , not to God , but to his own strength and talents .
Also, pride would make successful persons to begin to see themselves as "superior " to persons who do not posses their admirable qualities and who have not attained their height of success. There are persons who do not have anything worthwhile to show for their arrogance , but they derive satisfaction from their own delusions.
Such deluded persons are full of fantasies about their own worth ; like deluding themselves that they are indispensable king-pins and without them , nothing would work , or that without their presence , life would be unpleasant for people .
Arrogance would make some husbands and wives disrespect their spouses, thinking they are doing their wives or husbands a huge favour by remaining married to them .
Arrogance would make some husbands and wives disrespect their spouses, thinking they are doing their wives or husbands a huge favour by remaining married to them .
Misplaced pride says, "This is awesome ME! I am the best and THEY are all chasing after me!"
Awesome you who has achieved awesome what?
Pride causes delusion which makes some people think that they are " too hot and too desirable" and so everybody is falling over themselves , to "seduce" them and win their love for dating and marriage!Awesome you who has achieved awesome what?
Acquisition of knowledge is essential because ignorance could be destructive.
Pride has bred perversion of the benefits of knowledge, especially scientific knowledge ; whereby atheists have tried to hijack all scientific knowledge and "discoveries " and present them as "proof that there is no Creator up there!"
Pride has bred perversion of the benefits of knowledge, especially scientific knowledge ; whereby atheists have tried to hijack all scientific knowledge and "discoveries " and present them as "proof that there is no Creator up there!"
It is preposterous to attempt to use things that have been created to disprove the existence of the Creator.
" He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalm 2:4.
Scientific knowledge and scientific "discoveries" or inventions are useful for modern living .
Science is not anti - God , contrary to what some people think .
Science , actually, reveals to Man the awesomeness
of the wisdom and power of God the Creator of all things.
Science is not anti - God , contrary to what some people think .
Science , actually, reveals to Man the awesomeness
of the wisdom and power of God the Creator of all things.
Conducting research and funding research for the advancement of Science are not "wasteful ventures " because like the acquisition of any knowledge, scientific knpwledge actualises God's mandate for man to have dominion over the Earth.
There is nothing new under the sun. Scientific discoveries are not "new" because whatsoever Man is discovering and inventing today , they pre-date Mankind ; they were created by God and they have been in existence for millions of years.
In the past, latest scientific and medical discoveries or inventions were celebrated by the Scientific Society , with Thanksgiving Services in the Church.
Today , all over the world , there are indeed thousands of renowned scientists who are Bible-believing Christians.
Atheism, creature - worship or achievement-worship are the fruits of the sin of Pride which results in rejection of God and His Word and rebellion against God's authority.
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." Psalms 14:1.
In the past, latest scientific and medical discoveries or inventions were celebrated by the Scientific Society , with Thanksgiving Services in the Church.
Today , all over the world , there are indeed thousands of renowned scientists who are Bible-believing Christians.
Atheism, creature - worship or achievement-worship are the fruits of the sin of Pride which results in rejection of God and His Word and rebellion against God's authority.
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." Psalms 14:1.
Instead of giving thanks to God for revealing Himself and His creations to Mankind through science , which is knowledge of Himself; men and women are thumping their chests with the self-delusion of giving themselves credit for "discovering and inventing new things ".
Romans 1: 21-22.
Romans 1: 21-22.
The Bible describes arrogance and all forms of negative pride as the evil which precedes a fall.
The proud are "like clouds and wind without rain ". Proverbs 25:14.
Just as Pride is the stumbling block that is hindering people from acknowledging the existence of God and preventing people from accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ ; so also Spiritual Pride perverts the Gospel of God's Salvation by Grace.The proud are "like clouds and wind without rain ". Proverbs 25:14.
The sin of Spiritual Pride can manifest masked as appearances of " holiness and righteousness" in the lives of Believers .
This is the sin of pride , of lifting up personal efforts above
the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hypocrisy and Legalism are fruits of Spiritual Arrogance which contend against the commandments of God which are based on the grace of God. Matthew 15 : 7- 9.
This is the sin of pride , of lifting up personal efforts above
the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hypocrisy and Legalism are fruits of Spiritual Arrogance which contend against the commandments of God which are based on the grace of God. Matthew 15 : 7- 9.
The commandments of men are doctrines which teach that a person would qualify to meet God's standards of holiness and righteousness because of that person's abilities to "do more good deeds than evil deeds".
Pride has resulted in derailment of the Faith -walk and Faith -work of some Believers.
Pride manifesting in Church leaders and in church members is the main cause of strife, of unfruitfulness and collapse in many church ministries.
"He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made fat". Proverbs 28:25.
"He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made fat". Proverbs 28:25.
There are religious groups who have set up their own doctrines of "Holiness and Righteousness and they would swear that " God told " them to enforce such doctrines on their disciples. through stringent rules and regulations, with strong reprimands for their defaulting members.
Some churches have members who have been brain-washed to actually believe that they are "superior " to Christians who attend other churches.
Some churches have members who have been brain-washed to actually believe that they are "superior " to Christians who attend other churches.
In such groups, one would find that people are trying very hard to please God by their own efforts of self-righteousness and appearances of holiness.
One would hear of doctrines such as human beings trying to attain to "spiritual heights" like " 99 steps to holiness and sanctification" etc .
"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;I will be like the most High "
Isaiah 14 :14.
One would hear of doctrines such as human beings trying to attain to "spiritual heights" like " 99 steps to holiness and sanctification" etc .
"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;I will be like the most High "
Isaiah 14 :14.
Nowadays, it not unusual to see and hear of all manner of " Spiritual Police", which groups of human beings have set up to enforce appearances of "Holiness and Sanctification" amongst their members .
These man-made "doctrines of holiness" are contrary to the Word of God which says :
" No flesh shall glory in my presence"
" All our righteousness are like filthy rags."
God resists the proud and He adequately rewards the proud doer. Psalm 31: 23.
The path of proud persons would be arduous because they are unable to respect anyone and they would not submit to God's authority, neither would they submit to any form of constituted authority in the society.
The path of proud persons would be arduous because they are unable to respect anyone and they would not submit to God's authority, neither would they submit to any form of constituted authority in the society.
Therefore the proud person would experience resistance , rejections and conflicts in his or her relationships , at work , at play and at home.
"Vanity , all is vanity !" Ecclesiastes 1: 2.
Pride , vanity and haughtiness all lead to a fall and to destruction.
All labour without God's approval is profitless and will not endure.
Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up .
Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up .
Accept that you have sinned ; confess your sin of Pride and Rebellion against God your maker. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing , now.
Believe God's word that without faith it is impossible to please God and ask for grace to bear the fruits of righteousness , based on Christ alone.
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