Sunday 5 July 2009


Jesus my Redeemer, Name above all names;
Emmanuel , the King , Messiah!
Oh for sinners slain!
Thank you , O our Father for giving us your Son,
And for leaving your Spirit here
Till your work is done .

The Third Person of the Three-in-One God is the Holy Spirit.
As the Son came from the Father, as God's representative and gift to humanity; so has the Son sent the Holy Spirit in his name, to the world.Jesus Christ is the Giver of the Holy Spirit.
No one can claim to have received the Holy Spirit without first receiving Jesus Christ !1 John 3:24.
God the Father,Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit are one and the same Person.
I and my Father are one. John 10:30.
This is is the mystery of the Trinity; revealed to billions on earth through the ages by the Spirit of Truth , the Holy Spirit. John 14:17-21, John 16:8-16.
While God the Son was here on earth , the Father was in him ; manifesting great teachings and miracles through him. John 14:9-11.
The ascension of Jesus paved the way for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to come on men and women, who believe in Jesus Christ. Acts 1:1-8
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart, I will send him to you. John 16:7.
After the ascension of the Son, Jesus is ALIVE, today, in the world ,permanently manifesting the same great miracles in his people through the presence of the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
This is the reason why the same teachings and the miracles which Jesus did while on earth are still being done amongst true believers , even today.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me , the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14 : 12.

I have attempted in this piece to express just a tiny fraction of what and who the Holy Spirit is. If I wrote a 100 blogs on this topic,I couldn't complete the full revelations of him. No body could claim to be able to grasp the fullness of him because he reveals himself in newer and greater dimension, all the time.
The Holy Spirit has myriads and diverse names in the Bible. Some of which are:
Creator ,The Mighty God who calls those things that be not as if they were.
Spirit of the Living God ,Spirit of Jesus Christ ,Paraclete or Parakletos.
Fire of Jehovah ,Sword of Jehovah ,God's Tornado ,Consuming Fire.
Baptizer with Fire
Gentle Spirit , Living Water ,Oil of Anointing
Friend ,Comforter, Confidante and Helper.
Tale Bearer ,Whistle Blower ,Voice of God
Counsellor and Guide ,Solicitor and Advocate
The Resurrection Power ,Enabler in Prayer and Enabler in Ministries

The list is limitless! One could write books on each of his names.
From my personal experience and perceptions of him, my endearing names for him are just as many .May you receive revelations of him , even as you read this.Amen
Here are some of his names by which I call him:
In the Beginning, He MOVED into an ugly and void situation; checked it out and saw that it needed fixing ;real good and real fast!
Genesis 1:1- 2.
He set about doing just that and the result is the spectacularly beautiful,landscaped garden which we call EARTH,today. Genesis CHAPTERS 1 and 2.
The Holy Spirit beautifies lives and situations, even today.
- He beautifies with power and anointing in prayer and in ministry Acts 1 : 8
- He is the the Beautifier of "Lepers":-
- i) he used Elisha to cleanse Naaman,the Celebrity Leper.2 Kings 5:14.
- ii)the serial divorcee received the anointing for her ministry at the Sychar Well; where she encountered the Giver of the Holy Spirit,Jesus Christ. John 4:1-42.
- iii) "If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole". Matthew 9:21.
The Holy Spirit is still in his business of Selective Destruction
to manifest his judgement against his enemies in my life and in the lives of all his people called by his name! Exodus 12 :21- 33, Exodus 14:17-31.
The Holy Spirit is ever-present in the dungeons of life.
Genesis 39 :20 -23.
He is the helper and comforter in every "wilderness" experience. Deuteronomy 8:3,4,15-16.
He is the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; mighty to deliver!
He bulldozes mighty walls and fortresses of the enemy.
"Shout for the Lord has given you the city...!" Joshua 6:1-5,14-20.
The Holy Spirit bulldozes gates of brass and bars of iron.
When he opens the gates,they remain open. Isaiah 45:1-6.
In those moments of shame and utter desolation, he is ever-present to reassure and to deliver completely. Isaiah chapters 36 and 37.
"This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth". Isaiah 37:3.
He is my reliable companion, confidante and counsellor with whom I know I am SAFE. Psalm 28:7, Isaiah 42:16.
He speaks the mind of God into my spirit, as GUIDE and WITNESS.Isaiah 30:21
He is the WHISTLE BLOWER ; exposing the agents and the plans of the Devil!He frustrates the web and evil traps of liars. Isaiah 44:25
7. "MOTHER!"
He is my mother-hen! Under his wings I find warmth , comfort and security, always.

When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19(b)

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